To: All Hong Kong Personnel
From: Global Asset Protection
Date: January 26, 2011
Subject: Increase Personal Security During Spring Festival Holiday
As the traditional Chinese Spring Festival holiday is approaching, we have recently received some reports on the loss or stolen of personal items like cell phone, wallet, credit card and cash etc in Greater China GU. Please find below guidance to raise your security awareness and to ensure all of you have a happy and secure Spring Festival Holiday.
- Do not draw undue attention to yourself; do not display wealth; avoid wearing extravagant clothing, watches, and jewelry in the public.
- Walk with purpose and confidence. If you need to refer to a map, do so inside a building—not out on the sidewalk.
- Do not carry valuables in a backpack. In congested areas, such as aboard public transportation, carry your backpack on your front. If backpacks are necessary, carry it between you and your companion when using public transportation.
- Walk closer to buildings than to streets. Carry briefcases, purses, and packages on the side of your body closest to the buildings.
- For women employee, carry purses with the strap over your shoulder and hold the bag close to your body. Do not drape purse straps across your chest or around your neck, as it may cause injury if you are attacked.
- If possible, do not travel with a laptop computer in its original case. Laptop computers are frequently stolen . Disguise the computer by carrying it in another type of case.
- Report any security incident to Security Operations Center (SOC) help desk at (phone number). Please access the web to know more at: (website).
With regards,
Global Asset Protection
- 財不可露眼;
- 走在路上,要煞有介事,自信滿滿;
- 要看 Google Map/Ovi Map 時,請躲到建築物內;(嗯,那還要打開 AGPS......)
- 和朋友出門乘搭公共交通工具,應把背包夾在兩人中間;
- 貼著大廈牆壁前進;
- 女士們要抱着手提包;
- 手提電腦要放在一些令人意想不到容器中(例如,帽子裏?)。